The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Freelance Work

| May 28, 2024

What is different from freelance work remotely? Particle "free"! This is – the freedom to choose the type of activity, freedom of choice of the project, the freedom of choice of the counterparty, the freedom to choose the short-term or duration of these relationships. Free – it's wonderful concept, but it must be remembered that […]

Practical Tips Services

| May 10, 2018

Practical advice for novice freelancers. Working as a freelancer or contractor as it is often referred to, is a significant step toward business and his own business. Those who decided start working as a freelancer, you may set obstacles to a successful career. As a former freelancer who has experience also as a freelance client, […]

Studying Trade

| February 19, 2013

Nowadays, every entrepreneur engaged in trade anything at least once came up with the idea: 'It is necessary to expand the direction of trade on the Internet. " Studying the mechanism of trade on the Internet entrepreneur understands that he needed to create an online store. The first thing most beginners face trading on the […]

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