The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Only One Language And Two Unique Cities

| May 27, 2014

Only one language and two unique cities am a person enough traveling and it is something that I love to proclaim from the rooftops. It is also true that if I am is because I’ve been fortunate to have the means to go abroad and enjoy all that the world has to offer. Also, within […]

Insurance Responsibility Civil

| May 21, 2014

In the present day, with the advancement of the law and civil laws, civil law has become one of the branches having more development of all. The branch of law that has to do with the contractual and extra-contractual civil liability has had special development. This development has made it to worldwide, almost by any […]

Cabral Joo Social

| May 14, 2014

Death and Severina life, parteXII) the cabralina poetry takes all generation umempasse the following it: the poets go to have that literally to break rock, to crack palavraspara to exert its craft. (RASP, Carlos. 100 years of poetry: umpanorama of the poetry in century XX. P. 78). According to Jean-Paul Sartre in its book ‘ […]

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