The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Social Security

| December 26, 2021

Thus, for example, are sets already precisely which companies must integrate effectively the policy of prevention of occupational risks, and must take into account the needs and specific difficulties of SMEs before establishing any policy in the field of safety and health at work. And for this, it will be necessary to incorporate a report […]

Consumer Rights

| December 24, 2021

Often Internet shops offer products that differ significantly in price (the buyer) from those presented in the retail trade. This can not but attract more and more people are opting for acquisition of goods in this way. This pricing policy due to the fact that online store does not rent trade halls, does not hold […]

Easter Sunday

| December 20, 2021

The scenes that we saw we are introduced in a tender story that moved us by its rawness, simplicity, and the naturalness of the characters that are giving life to the actions, which are growing in emotional intensity, to measure in which we are approaching its climactic and sublime, time which is none other than […]

In Germany

| December 14, 2021

He checked the route on altitude section for section and chose a few kilometres further, but just considerably flatter Route so to speak an Alpine avoidance route through the Rhone Valley, via Basel, Mulhouse, Lyon, and Marseille. At the end of the tour a challenge waiting Jackson again driver Michel. I was with hangers and […]

The Teceles

| December 5, 2021

With the arrival of the plant, the same one produced a meter of fabric in only one hour. Soon, its merchandise was cheaper, taking the teceles the bankruptcy, and these, in turn, would turn cheap man power in the industries, giving more profit to the capitalist. Let us be with the clear affirmation: ' ' […]

Ticket Personage

| December 3, 2021

It observes its affirmation: ' ' It has smiles that they disassemble a man surrounded of iluso' '. Its solitude now was accompanying of the souvenir of the smile of a young woman, but exactly thus he continued solitary. It was a solitude that it insisted on if firming exactly ahead of other company, it […]

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