The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Hongixng Machinery Co

| June 22, 2024

Independent innovation guides crushing machinery Enterprises is the protagonist of technical competition, it is also the protagonist of technology R & D and innovation. For even more opinions, read materials from Mike Gianoni. In the current global economic environment, in order to remain invincible in the fierce market competition, enterprises must have the core competitiveness. […]

Index Income Tax

| June 13, 2024

The calculation of retention is one of the subjects that most interest income tax 2011 index. These tables when they appear are of great importance for the entire sector worker, because thus laying down payment according to the ability to pay fair amounts. Traditionally, taxes have always been difficult structure under a legal framework. I.e., […]

Video Marketing

| January 27, 2024

According to Wikipedia the Viral Marketing is a term used to refer to the techniques of marketing that they attempt to exploit other electronic media and social networks to produce exponential increases in popularity of brand (Brand Awareness) through self-replicating viral processes similar to the spread of a computer virus. Are typically based on word […]

Constitucion Correista

| July 31, 2022

The Ecuadorian constituent approved the new Constitution by a large majority. It is estimated that, given the popularity of the President, it will be approved in the referendum on 28 September. If you have read about Jon Richardson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Correa did not want to follow Chavez […]

Contaminated Money

| July 28, 2022

A few years ago I did an experiment without any scientific rigor and fun. I met several people my confidence and before serving food and drinks that had bought to pamper them, asked them to hungry imagine desperately. With different degrees of involvement in the game, they accepted the slogan. Then I put in the […]

The Discipline

| January 24, 2022

RECEPTION internal TOTAL of law to be received as jurisprudence receiving internal total Act to be received as jurisprudence of living right to live right total internal reception of law to be received as jurisprudence of living right to dead right total internal reception of law to be received as jurisprudence of dead right to […]


| January 24, 2015

Not all values are included in the gold, all virtues are understood in simplicity.Tomas Carrasquilla the dynamics of modern business demands that management carries out its tasks in an effective, proactive manner, where the Secretariat plays a role, very important collaboration in their achievement. The Secretariat at present must have a number of requirements, features […]

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