The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Luteinizante Hormone

| January 28, 2025

Andres Blacksmith, Juliana Meron, Priscila Alcantra, Simone Thomazini.graduandos in medicine veterinary medicine 7 period. INCIDENCE OF LIGHT IN the FARM the light represents one of on factors to the nature, responsible for the control of biorritmo of the birds. Thus, phenomena as migration time of reproduction and change of penalty consist factors related with the […]

Diet For Dogs

| December 13, 2024

It is a responsibility question to have strong and healthful dogs. A perfect health can be obtained with a balanced diet. Many things must be considered when we speak of the feeding of esteem animals. Exactly that you buy the rations most expensive for its dog, it must have the necessary nutrients for its development […]


| September 19, 2022

We are inserted in a society that influences, manipulates and conditions the attitudes and the behavior of the individuals, establishing, through the social facts, norms and standards using simulacros through many mechanisms mainly the media and the education imposing with coercive facts that the breaking of this molding will go to generate certain constaint to […]

Defensive Ideology Analysis

| July 30, 2022

Introduction In this work will be told the work routine, the personal life, well-taken care of with the internal and external health and factors that influence the life of a worker. So that accomplishment of this work had been analyzed the described item above in the life of a young of 22 years that works […]


| October 17, 2020

The current society meets in total disharmony, in a process of social chaos and litigations before the necessary inclusions so that it can become more joust and igualitria. We cannot work on the basis of what not yet we have, but have that basing in them on the necessity to disnaturalize concepts taxes for the […]

Popular Advice

| April 24, 2020

The history of the City council of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent of Florianpolis is preceded by the history of the formation of the Advice that, of one forms generality, is resulted of all a joint of the communities front the realities, where the popular will, led it has advanced for some […]


| March 30, 2018

However, Bentes emphasizes that: The process of esvaziamento of the economy led to the concentration of a mass of unemployeds to the edges of igaraps that the port and the market tangenciam, areas that had been rejected for the inhabitants of high income. The saturation of the available areas to the residential nesting in the […]

Poultry Genetic

| June 22, 2012

For this they are necessary research that allows the technological development of the creation. The objective of the present work was to tell the growth of estrutiocultura in the country, together with the new ways of genetic improvement involving the species. The productivity of any creation alone can be increased if the genetic potential of […]

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