The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Panic Disorder

| June 7, 2024

Sometimes it happens at different, seemingly well-being of the heart in its rhythmic work suddenly makes a meaningful pause, on the forehead stands cold sweat, the body wave runs through the shaking, and the solar plexus filled with a lead weight. For the impressionable man enough, "Is that all? The end! ". Michael Schwartz may […]

Adult People

| July 9, 2022

It is restarting the pertaining to school year and already it starts if to speak in the problems of behavior of the children. Click Alan Carr to learn more. The subject that still leads the request of lectures is ' ' limites' '. This calls me the attention, because whenever we speak in limits we […]

For Moraes

| July 30, 2020

It has the idea of that the process of the death always is folloied of pain and insuportvel suffering, this belief makes with that, many familiar times, friends and if move away from the being wanted for the fear of the suffering and the sensation of impotence. (MORAES, 2009) For Moraes (2009), when the familiar […]

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