The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Language: Education Or Job ?

You are going to learn a foreign language. And for what? For education or profession? Incidentally, this is not an idle question, and it is desirable to ask yourself before making the documents in any Linguistic college or the Faculty of the University. Earlier studies in specialties was sverhprestizhno. Contests rabid, that in itself is an element of prestige. So when he entered there, you just pleased to mom. Why? When your mother was a student, a foreign language was a lucrative profession. People who perfectly know any foreign language can go on trips abroad. Whether as diplomatic mission or employee firm, which has external relations, whether as a tour guide or flight attendant international flights.

And abroad? it's clothes, which in the Soviet Union during the day with fire will not find and can be beneficial resell. And it's good to privarok miserable socialist wages. Now, from the days when mom was a student, things have changed. To travel abroad to buy enough turputevku. And clothes: Yes you can now buy the same and for the same price as in Paris, in Moscow. Things have changed, but the stereotypes remain.

No, of course, knowledge of foreign languages is very useful. The whole question, for what purposes, and, therefore, to what extent. To answer this question would be nice to explore job and figure out how much you want a variety of businesses and organizations purely philologists, linguists and many expert with knowledge of foreign languages. In principle, such a study can not conduct.

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