The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


As the most important results in the use of E! nvestigate get fair market prices, risk characteristics including P & L distribution, risk premiums, insurance portfolios, and the optimal exercise strategy. An intuitive user interface allows a free parameter and the management of energy contracts, as well as the undertaken assessment bills. For electricity / gas markets to the valuation of contracts, portfolios and power plants Delta provides price forecasts ior/cf-HSG price forecasts in collaboration with the for electricity and gas markets, including Volatilitatsstrukturen. With different sets of price-forward curves is the incompleteness of the energy markets as well as the different evaluation requirements on the part of production, trade and distribution taken into account. So are regular, ECO and Spike-based hourly price forward curves for EEX Phelix, as well as cyclical and countercyclical price forward curves (PFCs) for the daily, constant Delivery provided by H-gas on the Dutch TTF and the two German virtual trade points NetConnect Germany GmbH (NCG) and GAS POOL balancing services GmbH (GPL). Like Delta notified to all other services provided.

Optimization of the value chain in the electricity sector the core competence of Misurio is mathematical optimization in the field of tension between technical systems, market and regulatory conditions. The optimization provides timetables for the economic generator and pump usage of power plants as well as for dynamic loads from industrial customers. The timetables are the optimal management of energy storage and networks. The activities of Misurio include: development of software for the optimal offer strategies for timetables and control energy. Real-time optimization for the process-oriented control (model predictive control) power plant cascade, Stilling basin and voltage stability. QlikView, the tool of analysis, controlling and data cockpit all employees opened one QlikView Company a timely single view of business data and metrics. QlikView analysis are extremely fast, flexible and easy. QlikView convinces short implementation times and a “return on investment” in only a few days. More information in Hall 3, booth 119 or: Delta energy solution AG Klaus Kiske Peter Merian-Strasse 90 CH – 4052 Basel Tel.: + 41 (0) 61 270 84 40 fax: + 41 (0) 61 270 84 50 –

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