The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Experience Condition

In this manner, the work developed for academic Evely Blaut Rodrigues ' ' Of the Experience of the guilt to the experience of desejo' ' it allows to attribute the facts to a revolutionary experience and to a transformation of the perception of the world, where it does not have stability and yes trespass. Accumulating these consideraes if it makes possible to cite the identitrios globalization of Stuart Hall and profiles that Navarrese Swain comments, being that the first one if justifies for the function to contest and to dislocate identities centered and closed of the national culture, producing a pluralizador effect on the identities. E, therefore, for the second boarding that mentions the lesbian identity as nomadic. The undetermination of the citizen that we have is demystified by the recognition. In the workmanship people are identified by say of Barbarian … to them see. You in the face! She does not advance to hide.

does not think that I speak thus with everybody, not. With who I only find that I can. He does not advance to hide, when the woman is understood, then she perceives yourself. He has a process of identification that if cannot prevent. You as that in air. Soon vi that you age also.

It does not advance to dissimulate, to dissimulate, to arrange boyfriend and nor to marry. This is all besteira. One day the person falls (Rivers, 1981, p.35). She has, in this direction, a new plural and diverse identification, less fixes and unified, that induces the Andra personage to reflect on its condition how much pupil gotten passionate and how much person, the girl conducted for norms. How to display its condition sexual its parents? How to camouflage its feelings, to control its instincts? To its eyes all disturbing and dangerous age, perhaps the fact of walking in the company of Brbara and Rosana, both homosexuals, already affirmed to it as individual.

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