The Texas Business Group

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Educational Measures For Working Men And Women Equal

Violence against women is a social reality and we must work through education to eliminate it. By analyzing various proposals and programs for educators, as well as some of the research cited above, we can enumerate the following educational measures: a) Measures to eradicate gender-based violence attitudes to sensitize the school community. b) Making prevention of domestic abuse and sexual assault, training professionals sensitive to this issue. c) Raising the Community School on the principle of equal opportunities between men and women, reporting on co-education materials, promoting a balanced participation of women and men. d) Include in teacher training courses specifically coeducation.

e) Promoting co-educational projects at the Centers. f) Giving advice to students on academic and professional guidance on a non-sexist, promoting the interests, skills, motivation, regardless of gender of the person targeted. g) Reviewing the curriculum, making visible women and its presence throughout history, analyzing the textbooks, the language used, etc. h) Eliminating sexist attitudes among classroom interactions between teachers and students and among the same students. i) Establishing specific advice on Equal Opportunities, employed to observe, advise, support programs, evaluate results, ultimately, ensure that this principle of equality is real. In some autonomous regions and there is this advice, but it would be desirable to be universal. Prof. Maria Jose Diaz Aguado since 1977 has made a series of investigations with the aim of knowing if they are past the sexism and gender violence among / adolescents and develop educational programs to promote the construction of equality.

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