The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Jean Renoir Villaye

| June 5, 2024

Known whether the story we create such a seemingly mundane everyday objects, like a mailbox? It turns out that on this occasion, there are many articles. To this day is a lot of disputes about the history of the mailbox, because legends about his appearance a lot. Reliably known: up to 16 th century references […]

Mortgage Calculator

| June 5, 2024

Thinking about buying real estate? Want to estimate pull it? To do this, there is a great tool – a mortgage calculator. Mortgage calculator is a wonderful tool that you can always use when buying property. Everyone knows that buying real estate – the most expensive and capital-intensive investment. For most of this is the […]

Jasmine Flowers

| June 5, 2024

Now we're going to do the flowers to the composition of 'Jasmine'. For a start we need: white small beads number 10, slightly larger white, green matt number 10, yellow matt number 10, copper wire of medium hardness. Cut the wire into pieces 80cm in length and half sklydyvaem such pieces should be sounding the […]

Royal Wedding

| June 5, 2024

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will attend the wedding of William and Kate Middleton Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, will attend alongside his wife Lauren to the Royal Wedding of Prince William of England and his fiancee Kate Middleton. The link will be held on April 29 at Westminster Abbey. As mentioned the Canadian […]

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