The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Mortgage Calculator

| June 5, 2024

Thinking about buying real estate? Want to estimate pull it? To do this, there is a great tool – a mortgage calculator. Mortgage calculator is a wonderful tool that you can always use when buying property. Everyone knows that buying real estate – the most expensive and capital-intensive investment. For most of this is the […]

Vologda City Market

| July 24, 2020

Rooms on the first floor of residential buildings, as well as built-in – built-on areas. Most of these areas are occupied by grocery stores. These areas are very convenient to place food store format “within reach” in the sleeping areas of the city. We should also note the high level of development of this segment […]

Business Depot

| February 18, 2020

At this time, continues to rage global financial crisis that will undoubtedly impact on all spheres of life. Especially difficult has representatives of small and medium businesses. This also applies to leading countries of the world economy. It is only natural that young emerging powers transferred to the crisis more difficult as the foundation of […]

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