The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

SMS Marketing And Its Effectiveness

| May 26, 2024

Sms text messaging – the main component of mobile marketing, is actively developing at present. sms campaign, advertising by sms – sms text messages via the sms center is by far one of the most effective tools for sms marketing. Sms text messages is an excellent opportunity to accurately select the best target audience and […]

Economic Growth

| September 21, 2022

With a period of exceptional economic growth in the region, not seen for decades, with significant improvements in quality institutional of several countries and very good prospects of future development is the time to invest in Latin America? That’s a question that you would find response with only look at these macroeconomic data and analyze […]

Internet Business

| August 6, 2021

You either go to a plus or a minus in the fall. If you have something invested, and repulsed "at zero", then consider that you have spent part of their own resources for free, so nobody's business is equivalent to your loss. Therefore, you should clean out all the ways your business, all the movements […]


| June 6, 2020

The Stoics (((they split dreams according to this curious scale according to their origin: a) dreams that come from God b) dreams caused by demons c) from dreams of the human soul I ignore the bases on which settled his theories about the dreamy sources but within their twins correspondences between the macrocosm of the […]

Advertising Revolution

| August 8, 2019

Revolution indicates a radical change in how we think about some of the realities of the world of marketing and advertising. 10 are for us the future revolutions that are going to hit the world of advertising soon. We have all heard or read recently where the word YOUTUBE news sounded frequently. Behind every story […]

Internet Group

| August 18, 2018

-Men with acne in the region of the beard must prove the electric shaver or razor blades to see which is the most convenient. If you use leaves razor soften beard with shaving foam and water warm. Shaving should be very soft for carving not beads, in addition the blade should be as sharp as […]

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