The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

State Course

The Course Technician in Agroecologia possesss Average Ensino Integrated or being After-Medium, in modality special Technician, having as prerequisite Ensino Fundamental (UFPR). So that the Course happens the course in one determined region it has that to have projects, and these must be approved by the INCRA, for then to be set free the resources. Learn more on the subject from Bob Jones. The Pronera? National program of Education in the Agrarian Reformation is one politics of Education of the Field developed in areas of the Agrarian Reformation, executed for the Brazilian government. Its objective is to fortify the agricultural world as territory of life in all its dimensions: economic, social, ambient, politics, cultural and ethical (Regional Communitarian University of Chapec). The pedagogical method of the Course is come back toward the construction of the collective of the involved people, with formation critical human being, enabling stops beyond the process of traditional education, enabling with the Peasant and the Peasant does not stop, therefore he gives credit fully that if he can study and work. Consideraes final When the MST keeps out of society the current school and searchs for alternative proposals, is much more difficult with educators, whom they form without subsidies to breach with the spalling. when these are destined by the State, and the conception of education is for reproducing and to perpetuate the existing inaqualities, what it occurs in the proposal of the analyzed school, is that this is not an antagonistic education that emancipates and yes. Therefore what the State offers the schools are the minimum, then what less it matters in this question it is to place professors who want to surpass this, in intention to transmit the contents critically, analyzing, therefore the neutrality of the professor in question intervene for the formation of pensantes people if this not to supply a solid theoretical recital. In the schools we find many factors that cannot be seen as natural: infrastructure, professors without adequate formation or in formation, that does not know the reality of the people who are there, lack of lodging adjusted for the students and ahead of these generated problems, the question is: where it is the right that these people have? However in our society the right is a social product, the rules are produced and applied for that it withholds the power, with the purpose to get the common good and the social peace, and not to guarantee that the people have access to this.

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