Prefabricated Modular Structures
Modular buildings performed well during the crisis, while major construction is not possible because of not enough money and high risks. The technology of modular construction allows you to quickly resolve the issue with different premises. Construction of office and residential space module allows you to create any shape and size. Modular building is going for a few days, through harmonization of panels and supporting structures. The most important advantage of modular buildings – it is their mobility, speed of deployment. two-storey temporary building can be assembled in a few days.
Today European countries actively use technology, modular construction for operational tasks. In Russia, as small businesses build modular buildings – offices, shops, cafes, shopping facilities, the system includes a full set of life-support, built-in standard panel doors, windows, heating and air conditioning, plumbing and electrical equipment, lighting systems, interior trim. In this system, for provide structural rigidity applied bolting frames and modules. The unique technology of thermal comfort rooms at low temperatures. At the core of the module block is a metal framework in the form of vertical columns and horizontal girders that have passed anti-rust treatment.
This design provides the strength and the ability to mount doors, windows, cladding design. As an external cladding of metal block modules typically use galvanized or colored corrugated board. Inside the unit is sheathed heater module, and parobarernoy gibdobarernoy film. For interior use OSB-3, lining and Other materials on request. Modular buildings include prorabskie metal cabins, building cabins, cottages, garden houses, mini-offices, checkpoints protection, control cabins, PPC, sales kiosks, pavilions, kiosks, warehouses, industrial buildings and other individual prefabricated modular buildings.