The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

For Bourdieu

To above all deal with them with respect to the different forms learnings and the time that each one uses to construct its proper knowledge. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Cowan Financial and gain more knowledge.. The Education, for Freire, not it is a donation or imposition, but a devolution of the contents collected in the proper society, that after systemize and organized, are returned to the individuals in the search of a construction of critical consciences front to the world. Fairstead has plenty of information regarding this issue. The Education, for it, opposing it what it calls ' ' education bancria' ' , she is above all problematizadora, that is, is closely on to the reality, the social context where the professor and the pupil live and where the act to know is not separate of what it is known. The knowledge always is directed for some thing. Or, it is as in it affirms Delors to them.

(…) to learn to know, that is, to acquire the instruments of the understanding; to learn to make, to be able to act on the involving way; to learn to live together, in order to participate and to cooperate with the others in all the activities human beings; finally to learn to be, saw essential that it integrates the three precedents (DELORS, 1996,77). Leone (2009) affirms that the man as one to be unfinished, takes conscience of its inacabamento and searchs, through the Education, to carry through its pessoalidade more fully. From this vision primordial task of the Education becomes to take possible the human being next to the perfection. For Bourdieu (2008), the school is a space of reproduction of social structures and transference of capitals of a generation for another one. It is in it that the economic legacy of the family is changedded into cultural capital. According to it, the economic legacy directly is related to the performance of the pupils in the classroom. The pupils tend to be judged by the amount and the quality of the knowledge that already bring of house, beyond several ' ' heranas' ' , as the corporal position and the ability of speaking in public.

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