The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

For Ansoff

2.2As borders of the system and the strategies In the scope of the administration the proposal sistmica is useful for the perception of the necessity to search the balance between the internal environment and the external environment, a time that the company and the competitive scene are interrelated and interdependent. KBS recognizes the significance of this. The organization is a system created by the man and that it keeps a dynamic interaction with the external actors, they are supplying, competing they, syndical customers, entities, ONGs and government. The idea of the marketing, where the controlable 0 variable need to harmonize themselves, or to answer satisfactorily to the uncontrollable 0 variable, drew the concept of opened system, where it is constituted one all synergic one, understood as double capacity to influence the external way and to be for influenced it: feedback process. The transactions between organization and environment are accomplished by the situated elements in the organizacionais borders, where the strategies exert its basic paper. The degree of opening of the system in relation to the environment is defined by the existence of the bordering permeability. The interface if configures through these borders, being the area, or canal, between the different sistmicos components, through which the decisions are transferred, I interchange as well as it of energy, substance or information. The strategy concept appeared of the military activity: as being the application of forces on a large scale against some enemy.

In enterprise terms, the strategy can be defined as the mobilization of all the resources of the organization, aiming at to reach objectives of long medium and stated periods. The decurrent changes of panoramas technological, cultural, economic, demographic, social and ecological politician, are reasons of inspiration for great occured transformations in the enterprise strategies. For Ansoff (1987) the strategy is a set of rules that guide the behavior of a company, being able thus to be classified: (1) measurable standards of present and future performance of the company; (2) parameters to develop the relation of the company with the external environment; (3) internal parameters for the establishment of the relations and processes in the organization; (4) the norms and procedures that conduct its activities of day-by-day.

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