The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Financial System

More than R$77 millions of resources of the Siking fund for Time of Servio (FGTS) had been used in first the six months of 2011 for partial payment and repayment of trusts. In this exactly period the number of contemplations of property for trusts increased 15.5%. To use the FGTS to remove the credit letter or to amortize parcels of its trust of property if after became possible the approval of the new law of trusts, in 2010. The law establishes that 100% of the FGTS balance can be used by the joined one in the following situations: – To offer you launch in an assembly; – To complete the value of the property, in case that it desires to buy a house or bigger apartment of what its letter of credit allows; – To eliminate the debt balance of a trust of contemplated property already; – To advance the partial payment; To use the balance of the FGTS it is necessary to be fit in some criteria, different for each case. Acquisition of Property to use the FGTS to acquire a proper house with resources of the trust, that is, giving you launch or completing the value of the property, it is necessary that the purchaser does not have property financed for the Financial System of the Habitation (SFH) in any part of Brazil, and that they do not possess no property, constructed or in construction, in the neighboring region where deferred payment, works and cities. Amortization, liquidation and payment of part of the property trust the use of the FGTS in this in case that the joined one only can happen when has, at least, three years of work under this regimen, will have the quota of the trust of property in its name, it will not have financing in the SFH, and not to possess another proper property in the cities where deferred payment, works and bordering cities. It sees as.

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