The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Chief Engineers

The giant of Internet Google announced that it has developed a new algorithm to penalize automatically in his motor search to the companies that their clients treat bad. The decision responded to a news article published the past 26 of November in diarioThe New York Times in which it was explained how a company saw raise to its ranking in the searches of Google impelled by a high number of critics negativas.” The main premise of the article was that to be bad in Internet it can be good for negocio” , the chief engineer of Google explained, Amit Singhal, that confessed that its equipment ” horroriz” when knowing history. Read additional details here: Jonah Bloom. In its story the newspaper told that the complaints of the users in the Web served to increase the number of connections that a page received and that favored the visibility of the company in Google, a notoriety that entailed more clients. Although Singhal recognized that the gathered thing in the newspaper was not ” problem extendido” , Google seted out to end this practice adding an algorithm to his system search to prevent that the companies that mistreat the consumer are benefitted in Internet. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Martin Toha. The modification, that despite has been described as ” solution inicial” , ” has already harmed the position in the ranking of Google to the companies mentioned in the article of The New York Timesas like a; centenares” that according to the giant of Internet ” they extremely offer a experience to the user pobre”.

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