The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

The Mint

When being questioned on the importance of some item related to the benefits, one perceives that: TABLE II: Benefits offered for the Mint BenefciosPouco SatisfeitosSatisfeitosMuito Satisfied Aid Transporte0%0%100% Coffee of manh0%83%17% Refeio0%24%76% Stock market Auxlio0%65%35% Transport (bus/Van) 0%0%100% Source: Proper elaboration Already we verify that the benefits are a very important factor for any collaborator in the current scene, and that the trainees of this company are very satisfied with everything what it offers. In one of the questions we verify that 97% of the young, had chosen to enter in the program of period of training of the company, for the offered benefits, and 3% had not thought about the fact, this confirm that the choice for this period of training is, in its majority, related with what it offers. When it is said in period of training, then it is thought about the wage. Asked if to the stock market aid it was a preponderant factor stops in the choice of the program, 92% had answered that yes and 8% that not. Exactly the wage being a hygienical and not motivacional factor, we perceive that the majority thinks about this benefit. Graphical I: The Stock market aid as a preponderant factor in the choice of the period of training.

Source: Proper elaboration We know that the mint does not offer only the stock market aid, that currently is around R$ 600,00; that it satisfies 65% of the trainees, 35% are very satisfied and nobody demonstrated insatisfao; it also offers transport, bus or van that they search and/or they take all the trainees (morning and late), in this point all is very satisfied; aid has carried, to return the house, aid just and in accordance with the expense, had also demonstrated 100% of much satisfaction; coffee of the morning, with varieties, equally offered to all the trainees and employees 83% are satisfied and 17% are very satisfied, as it does not have who does not like it coffee the morning the company can verify what it is lacking in this point so that has a maximum satisfaction of the majority; lunch in the company, that also is very well prepared, verifying itself that 76% of the trainees are very satisfied, satisfied 24% and nobody demonstrated insatisfao. We know that, the hygienical factors not they motivate, more help in very in the image of the company in relation the given importance its collaborators. The Mint, beyond if mattering with the learning of the young, consegu.

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