The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


Many companies currently are divided hierarchically based in the centralization of the power. This trend has persisted in the corporative ways, and same in full century 21 it can yourself be noticed clearly a traditional vision and an autocratic administration on the part of the directors and executives. In this configuration centered of being able many organizations they commit errors in its processes over all, in what it refers to the decision taking, and for the survival of the companies in the current competitive market is essential that the taken decisions are most correct and assertive possible, minimizing the degree of risk and uncertainties for the proper company. With a centered administration the decision taking becomes much more risky for the following reasons:

Unfamiliarity of the global situation of the organization; – Unfamiliarity of the departments and the situation of the main activities of the company; – Objective of the decision they can collate inside with the objectives of the people of the organization; – Risk of error for the lack of daily convivncia with the problems and organizacionais processes of the base; – Preferences with judgment of value on the part of the decision borrower, annulling the opinion of excessively; – Distortion of the internal and external ambient aspects that affect the taken decision. In view of the responsibility of the decision taking and its possible implications it is still more evident the risk that the companies run when these decisions are not programmed, that is, unexpected decisions for the resolution of decurrent not common problems of the innovation and uncertainty. A reformularization in its hierarchic system would be viable to the current companies so that its lines of direction are red-position and the autonomy in the taking of decision and action is given to the collaborators. To concentrate the power at the hands of an only leader or of an only cupola already became an attitude of companies who do not innovate and they do not follow the trends of the current market, if inserting to the edge of the innovation and the dynamism.

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