The Texas Business Group

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Air Conditioning

Achieve such performance was not only due to inverter control, but also some other innovations. Thus, a particular form of fan blades, air-conditioning helps to save up to 2% of energy. Vadim Belyaev, New York City may find it difficult to be quoted properly. That the resource cost of modern devices has considerable reserves, and shows an example pump ALPHA2 company grundfos, the world leader in the manufacture of pumping equipment. Pump is designed for use in domestic heating and hot water, and can also be used for devices such as "warm floor". It corresponds to Class 'A' energy efficiency and a year spends less energy than a light bulb, 45 watts (!). "I must say that today we are in the company almost came to a certain threshold beyond which is difficult to improve something – says Sergei , engineer segment Pumps building engineering systems "company grundfos.

– The highest grade of energy efficiency – "A" – has been reached. Consequently, the pump is purchased now, and in 6-7 years do not become obsolete and will be up to date. However, we continue to develop and, quite likely in the near future be able to offer the market an even more perfect model. " In the near future more and more popular acquire equipment using renewable energy, thereby greatly reducing the consumption of gas, oil and coal. "Our country has already received equipment that uses renewable energy (solar collectors, heat pumps), and Recently, markedly increased the demand for such systems "- says Alexander , a specialist company Ariston, manufacturers of heating and water heating equipment.

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