The Income
One becomes necessary that I assume my guilt in this dirty game, to continue this reflection. I am guilty yes! Leaving to influence for me for an enormous corporation that, makes excellent propagandas of television. PRU has many thoughts on the issue. I am guilty for not to opt? although to have free will for such? for using natural products, or at least that he is less harmful to waters. Now you read who me, must be if asking: ' ' Exactly that you plough to use xampu and pass to wash its hair with babosa, this will not be capable to change nada.' absolutely; ' This questioning, exactly without perceiving takes in them to answer a question that comes being done since that the man took conscience of that lived in society; why, after as many centuries of civilization, as many social and technological conquests, – human democracy, republic, rights? the man still finds difficulties in living as a society? Why the income distribution always was a same problem in the countries more developed? obvious that nothing it is compared with Brazil in this question. Why the hunger maltreats as many people around of the world? Why the violence blows up to each alley of the great metropolises? So that as many wars? The answers all we know.
A aspect already was raised in this text. Polumos rivers in we do not feel culprits to them therefore, therefore our neighbor also polui. Filosofando a little more, we will still arrive at the one incredibly more dynamic conclusion. He seems obvious that for a cultural and alienatria question, we are induced holding in them as robots, programmed to make what they order in them. the system makes in to think them that everything what we make? of some form can cause profit for some multinational millionaire or bilionria? he is correct. As for example, the cigarette industry that is .causing of a great number of deaths around of the world and is tolerated by the State, as if it dealt with a plant of toys. .