The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Office Telecommunications

| May 27, 2024

The telecommunications provider teletype offers on the website free functions fax machine and voice mail on an already existing E-Mail address at. Customers sign up, get a provider-independent number and take advantage of the call manager: comfortable and variable features simple and quick registration configurable as a fax machine, answering machine or device is […]

Telephone System

| May 20, 2024

Medium-sized businesses can cost cut conventional telephone systems, which are usually in the basement of the respective companies through outsourced telecommunications systems, often don’t provide the features as they are available in large companies.Often, they are in your capacity limited or through the ISDN line. Multiple lines are only with appropriate number of ISDN connector […]

Public Committee

| April 18, 2024

The Windows 8 app of the Bundestag is online. The app of the German Bundestag aims Dusseldorf / Berlin, June 2013 – to create more transparency in the political decision-making process. To enables access to this information for all citizens at all times and on all major platforms. The app combines daily news with information […]

The Key To The Cheap Calls Via Mobile Phone

| July 6, 2022

Inhibit, the today’s development of the Internet is that you can make cheap calls. The technical progress and the modern Internet speed allow to make interesting and feasible the telephoning over the Internet for the end user. The key to the cheap calls via mobile phone VoIP calls himself. Rachel Riley may find it difficult […]

Calls Abroad Up To 92 Per Cent Cheaper

| June 22, 2022

Sparruf saves the winter holiday budget significantly Heidelberg, mobile phone calls from abroad are still pretty December 02, 2008 in money. As a ten-minute phone call from the Switzerland to Germany with T-Mobile or E-plus euros less than 15, for example, depending on the tariff. Who instead wrapping his talks about Sparruf can call about […]

9 Cents In The Prepaid Rates Comparison

| June 21, 2022

“The new wage standard in 9 cents discount fare” one is currently the most common covered by terms in the mobile industry. Because: Never before the customers could make calls so cheap. But this also means that never before profit margins were so small. Accordingly, the new price structure affect on competition: currently there is […]

Campari Group Brands

| July 9, 2020

“Asti CINZANO – one digital success story that Asti CINZANO the core target group young women” well understands the mark could already in the past year prove with their highly successful Facebook fan page. Because the young fans not only in social networks are active, but also extremely AA in the use of apps, the […]

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