9 Cents In The Prepaid Rates Comparison
“The new wage standard in 9 cents discount fare” one is currently the most common covered by terms in the mobile industry. Because: Never before the customers could make calls so cheap. But this also means that never before profit margins were so small. Accordingly, the new price structure affect on competition: currently there is a price war, which is approximately comparable in its intensity with the at the fixed-line telecommunications market. The idea behind the 9 cent rates is simple: should the customer given the opportunity at a single price to all common services. Regardless of whether so in a fixed or mobile network is on the phone, or whether text messages are sent: there is always the same reward. As the collective name already suggests, this is about 9 cents. In the prepaid you can understand this brand well comparison.Occasionally, it is even cheaper.
So Maxxim – offers discount store – now a new prepaid tariffs for 8 cents in all networks. These can be financed Prices of consumption on the part of the provider through massive savings in the sales and service. Both are tariffs that exclusively over the Internet or through (mostly) fee-based hotlines on the 9 cents. On a direct contact in the form of the retailer must be dispensed with so. “As was to be expected, was the introduction of the often cheap fares” price orders referred to partly drastic effects on the mobile phone market. Although templates introduction prices beginning above the current 9-cent-level; However, they were always significantly cheaper than the fees demanded by the network providers and other service providers. However any ill-considered price reduction was carried out at these instead, they launched their own brands (like T-Mobile did this, for example, with Congstar) should be marketed also exclusively over the Internet and thus further simplified to competition between these providers. The result: Now has a variety of companies, such as Fonic, blau.de or Callmobile tariffs in the program, which fall below the price limit of 10 cents. This so perfectly suited for those who do without a partner in the retail sector, and instead a cheaper unit price is important because you get definitely such a tariffs within the framework of the 9 cents. Bastian Ebert