The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Youth Fashion

| May 20, 2024

Youth clothing, is one that we can begin to dress when we already have about 13 or 14 years and usually cover up past 20, although the truth is that fashion has changed so many and signatures from examples such as H & M clothes are committed both by this youthful style that the truth […]

Occured Transformations

| July 25, 2022

Marcio Santiago Renata Soares Lincoln Lafitte Carlos Andr2 Summary This article presents a reflection concerning the Social Movements and its fight with the intention of if firming in the society and analyzing them as production agent and transformation of the space and the Brazilian territory, social movements as Movement of Pequenos Agricultores (MPA), Movement of […]

Agricultural Exodus

| June 15, 2022

Fbio Borges de Oliveira Graduated Geography for the State University of Gois – UEG Maria Erlan Inocncio Prof Orienting Dr of Works of Research – UEG Summary: The valuation of lands for the farming production dinamizou the estruturao of the agricultural oligarchies in the construction of the space of the Brazilian agronegcio. Since the time […]

United Nations

| November 13, 2021

‘ ‘ Soon I perceived that this age a fallacious reasoning, therefore the dynamics of the world-wide economy operates in the direction to concentrate the income, excluding from the benefits of the development the great majority of the humanity. To go to the deep one of this problem, one becomes necessary to catch the nature […]

Science Knowledge

| November 9, 2020

The city not only passes to be understood as a geographic content, an object to discipline, but as an object of personal experience and education. Such change of approach demands alteration of depth in relation to the form of if conceiving the pertaining to school resume and the practical professor, despite they are processes of […]

Catiboaba Village

| March 30, 2018

For this adaptation of the culture it was possible to modify the regional space, as well as to modify the partner-ambient way. Therefore, many people of varied origins, attracted by the Magnesita, had resulted in new forms to think and of living. They can until being separate for immense social distances and of chance of […]

Europe Water

| March 13, 2018

After to have been ece of fishes in practical all the solutions of prevention and all the measures of economy and efficient use of the water, will be possible to consider the infrastructure creation add of water supply. This solution must strict be fit, in order to privilege the alternative measures of water saving, of […]

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