The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


| January 29, 2025

The thing most difficult for the man is to deal with the emotions, mainly when we speak of shyness. The shyness is the valve of escape of any negative emotion. It makes little time that I understood that the only thing that hinders somebody to have success it is the shyness. When a man if […]


| August 15, 2024

What valley the penalty to make? what valley the penalty to conquer? that we need to evolve while beings in construction? These questions for many seem nonsense, however if all were asked and if they gave the time to answer itself exactly, would have much less envies in the people. The envy is one of […]

New Furniture

| July 24, 2022

Start of year always we have plans and wills of changes, one of the most desired is the change of the furniture of the house or a reform. The two cases finish generating upheavals for its proper reasons and we see in them without exit on what making with the old furniture or as to […]

The Nutrients

| September 7, 2021

As he must well know V.S., we Dreams, do not possuimos a body material, capable to be touched, direction, smelled, perceived. All know that we exist, but for terms materiality, rare they are not the ones that with us dialogue, and when we obtain materializing in them, still call them Reality. Although such semantic fact […]

Discord Liberty

| February 25, 2018

The dictionary says in them that to disagree nothing more it is that the act not to agree, of divergir. We can add that to descordar it is, also, the act not to combine, to be in different ratios, to untune when all are in the certain rhythm, to have an opinion it opposes. All […]

Waldez Ludwig

| August 27, 2012

To help them I go to count as the professional of? today? if it motivates. However it would like to detach before when I say professional of today, I mention myself to the professionals who are disputed by the great companies, whom success in its has proper business, and not it majority; therefore unhappyly the […]

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