The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Secondstage Presentation Development Model

| April 30, 2024

The activity is driven by a group of organizations (among which are the Private Development Corporation of Aysen Aysen Codeff subsidiary, the Guide School Corporation Patagonia and Costa Carrera) and citizens of the region. They are by accompanied by the Avina Foundation have been making progress in developing a model of development from civil society, […]


| April 9, 2024

In a certain city, the people if knew very well, leave in the streets and talked until high hours of the night. In this city a man existed who its bigger dream was to have a son. A son who it could count its experiences, its advice. All the city gave support for it. It […]

Brazilian Materials

| September 20, 2022

The majority of the Brazilian cities has problems related to the garbage. They exist local where none does not have collect, in others, the garbage of the quarters is collected only central offices, the developed cities more already obtains to collect most of the garbage of the population. The ones that obtains to still collect […]

Maathai Groups

| June 5, 2020

The resolution of the deriving problems of this new wave depends on the taking of conscience of the real dimension of the current scene and immediate action of citizens, entrepreneurs and governing. The sustainable development is fruit of countless actions of coesos, solidary groups, formed for social agents: specialists, politicians, civil society by means of […]

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