The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Secondstage Presentation Development Model

The activity is driven by a group of organizations (among which are the Private Development Corporation of Aysen Aysen Codeff subsidiary, the Guide School Corporation Patagonia and Costa Carrera) and citizens of the region. They are by accompanied by the Avina Foundation have been making progress in developing a model of development from civil society, besides participating in various bodies to which the Government has convened to discuss the new strategy that is driving the state. “Our idea is to spread regionally paradigm shift towards a model of endogenous development, based on our own potential and strengths, and that comes from the people who inhabit this territory. At each step we intend to empower civil society, whether citizens in their capacity as professionals, students, artists, businessmen, seniors or others, for they become managers and agents of their own development. Development of us all “said Miriam Chible thereon, Codesa president. He reported that the call is open to all citizens to feel part of the initiative and wants to contribute towards the construction of the new model. During the activity report on the progress that has been developed since the launch of the proposal in July 2008, at which time also acknowledged the contribution of various institutions, individuals and organizations who have contributed from their own particular local and sustainable development Aysen Region. Furthermore, based on the work done so far by the development of ARV will seek to demonstrate that alternatives to the current development model, that another region better is possible without being necessary transformations that lead to the loss of identity, values and customs or negative impacts on social or environmental space. To do this, it has to relieve the rich and varied experiences and cultural and productive today-personal-isolated or are part of a collective and historical capable of supporting the paradigm shift necessary.

By Finally, consideration will be the presentation of regional groups that have composed melodies to Patagonia and the Aysen Region in particular, in the belief that “the other Aysen we long, beautiful and better is possible,” said Miriam Chible. CAREER WITH AN ANTHROPOLOGIST John Durston has a doctorate in Anthropology (PhD) from the London School of Economics and Political Science, with their areas of expertise analysis and evaluation of policies, projects and programs to enhance social capital and social aspects rural cultural development, indigenous peoples and the strengthening of weak actors of civil society. He worked for 30 years at the United Nations, most of them in ECLAC. He is the author of numerous articles and books on those subjects, and has provided technical assistance in social development to several Latin American governments. For several years living in Chile and is now an independent researcher, consultant and evaluator of government social programs American, foundations and international agencies. Some of his recent research are “social movements of the rural poor and their contribution to democratization,” “Local power and ethnic movement in Villarrica,” “Three social challenges for regional associativity peasant owners of indigenous forests in the Araucania” “Social capital, patronage and the role of international agencies in local rural areas of consultation” among others.

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