The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Want To Marry Reese Witherspoon And Jake Gyllenhaal?

| June 24, 2024

Is it really so serious? You wonder that if you can hear the latest rumors from Hollywood. Visit Djimon Hounsou for more clarity on the issue. It is your tongue, if it indeed is true, many fans. (A valuable related resource: Organic Food Incubator). Because, supposedly., Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon want to walk down […]

| May 29, 2024

New solo songs, covers, hits and Bauhaus Classics (thk) four and a half months after his acclaimed show at the wave-Gothic-Treffen 2009 Peter Murphy in Leipzig, is for the first time for many years, again for solo performances for Germany! “Under the tour title secret cover” the former Bauhaus singer along with a trio in […]

Pinks Marriage At The End

| May 27, 2024

“Cut, Over and out!”. It is usually when the last door during a film shoot. But now, this set has a new meaning – especially for the singer pink. How was now known the singer should after two years of marriage have filed for divorce. So it reported the PEOPLE magazine anyway. “Pink and Carey […]

Thank God

| December 1, 2020

So much deep male voices and several choirs, including an opera choir, worked with, who have created a warm sound bed me, over the my singing all wonderfully can float. Ralph and I looked then more titles that fit exactly into our concept. “Thank God we found many authors, just as we were excited about […]

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