The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


I cry it is uninterrupted. The souvenirs of Lcia are intense and confused, never it will forget that conturbada and solitary night where its laugh was cut. In the disarranged bed, it is play, where it glimpses the closed window, it fixes, unbroken and air-tight. In high of the wall a clock it marks 02h30min of the dawn. Thousands of thoughts permeiam its mind as if it came back in the time, as if it wanted to jump for it are of itself, repleto of ressentimentos, doubts, revolt. Repentance perhaps.

Therefore they are obscure and it is not possible definiz them, Lcia feel to ache only can them. Its eyes look one sing of the wall to remember the lived instants of perpetual pleasure, and for a moment it seems to mumble in its thought, as in search to reactivate the past: – Love, that hours are? the reply is made with a whisper the ear: – Because to measure the time if we are in the eternity! a smile appearance radiates the face of Lcia, but soon it is remembered of the events of the beginning of the night I cry and it continues. To the few, it feels headquarters and it looks to the jar and a cup to the side of bed, but it hides them to the clutter, an anger gale human being is there Everything broken! It forgets the headquarters not to analogous interrupt its pain and in return to its cocoon of disillusion to the look a photograph that was to the soil, as it was felt, in the soil. The people in the photo seemed to it strange, it with five years to less, and Estevo was, the smiling man and with face singelo, that it knows, marries and lands on water until that night The lost fixed eyes in that photo were gradual more aggressive and the vehement feeling dominated that it was of a repentance.

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