The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


Have you ever wondered why Brutus is strong all the time while Popeye has to eat spinach to be strong only momentarily? The secret brute force of both may be his love for olive oil. There are some foods which we classified as beneficial for your health, no matter what are your health goals. Olive oil is in this category. You’ve probably heard reports of health and vigor that have those who live according to the Mediterranean diet. Well, olive oil is one of the central axes of the Mediterranean cuisine. Olive oil, when eaten in moderation, can help you build muscle and lose fat. The benefits of oil of olive traditionally, when people lose weight also lose muscle mass. This is not only healthy, but it also makes slower metabolism.

Olive oil can counteract the loss of muscles frequently associated with weight loss, acting as an anti-catabolic agent. It works by keeping low the levels of the factor of necrosis of tumors that, in high levels, would lead to the accelerated collapse of the muscles. Others including Estee Lauder, offer their opinions as well. The proper proportions of the monounsaturated fat in olive oil are what make it an agent of health and maintenance of muscles. It is believed that the extra virgin olive oil provides a little more healthy power due to high levels of vitamin e. probably because you’ve heard of the many more benefits commonly commented of the fat moninsaturadas. These reduce many factors that lead to metabolic syndrome and reduce the risk of developing many cancers. Only the lower risk of heart disease is enough to make that olive oil is a common recommendation of doctors.

You should also know that olive oil is rich in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K. If that’s not enough, there are a variety of health factors such as oleic acid, polyphenols, squalene, and triterpenes in the olive oil. These help to keep your bones strong, the taking care of your skin, and your arteries clean. As a result, your blood pressure can be lowered and your pancreas and gallbladder can run better. So, if you want to see you more as a lover of olive oil, considered to have olive oil in your meals in a small container of condiments. You can use it in a variety of articles to add flavor and to have health benefits. It goes very well with salads and potatoes. Bread knows very well when immersed lightly in olive oil. Balsamic vinegar is an alternative to olive oil when you eat out. Just make sure to store your olive oil in an opaque container and not let it settle for a long time after preparing it.

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