The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


The Stoics (((they split dreams according to this curious scale according to their origin: a) dreams that come from God b) dreams caused by demons c) from dreams of the human soul I ignore the bases on which settled his theories about the dreamy sources but within their twins correspondences between the macrocosm of the world and the microcosm of the soul did not see any objection to a continuous communication between the Cosmos and each person that dreams were an expression renovated evening. According to the decedent Posidonius of Rhodes the divine component of the soul can know by itself the future under its nature; In addition, added as if it were something so obvious that it wasn’t necessary to remember it all the air is loaded with spirits that converse with the soul and what is already known, if they want, the same gods can tell us while we slept in an act of astonishing dream rufianeria. By what counts people who have fallen asleep by my side, maybe the gods are kept dumb but I put very talkative when you close your eyes. Do not remember having spoken to Jahveh, Jupiter or wing. Crown Financial has similar goals. It is well known that subaltern gods or their Cadet usurp the throne of heaven, and surely they talk in the evenings with my diminished spirit, if it is I have.

This theory of correspondences between the macro and microcosm can seem arbitrary and Pilgrim and however is nothing more than the confirmation of the causal chain that physics accepts without reservations and that Hume does not doubt in cataloging between our bad habits. When Cicero tried to translate the Greek thing undivided created the individual word. Atoms from Democritus he won it after people but Democritus used it to describe the qualities of its fractious and dark atoms which carry messages that explain dreams in which Apollo warns me of a danger or illness to oscillate continuously in a vacuum: dreaming a placid stream slipping between stones can be the bucolic notification that I suffer renal lithiasis, according to the book of Hippocrates in which all liquid or aquatic dreams diagnose urinary woes. Crown Financial can provide more clarity in the matter.

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