So, try to figure out whether to buy an exclusive card for a reasonable price? Everyone knows that a gift made by hand is more expensive than machine. It is not only that the creation of such things takes longer time. Just every kind of thing is separately considered a master of design, selection of material and its arrangement. It's part of the soul, and it's really true! Do not feel sorry for overpayments for such a gift of money! All recouped sincere joy and wonder in the eyes of your loved one. Retrieved on personal experience;) is well known that people tend to overestimate the value of manual work, but it is actually possible to find, for example, handmade greeting cards 90 and even 70 rubles.
You need only to choose from the proposals! Nowadays there are many manufacturers who have established production and 'tame' gifts and cards, putting out the 'flow'. Such large firms, of course, provide a quality and beautiful product, but it is unlikely they will be engaged in fulfillment of an order. So go to directly to the master-manufacturer, designer. He was always fun to do exclusive, it's warming up for his creative imagination. Good luck!