The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


In relation to the Storage, one understands that all the companies need to store its products finished until being vendidos, what it generates consumption and production cycles that rare times coincide; on the Stockage, it is verified that this must compose the representation of the logistic one in levels that take care of imediantamente to all the order of its customers. It takes it by relative decisions the supplies it leads in consideration when to make the order and how much to ask for; the marketing professionals, together with the logistic one, will have to be intent to the transport, therefore the transport options will affect the price of the product. In this direction, the pontualidade of the delivery and the conditions of the product must arrive at its destination and all these factors determine the satisfaction of the customers. Therefore, so that it can be managed of integrated form, the logistic one must be treated as a system; a set of linked components, working of co-ordinated form, with intention to reach a common objective. It is known that all the process depends on the integration of the logistic a instruments, pointed for Ballou (2001) as basic for the company. Thus, the same it emphasizes that the logistic one must take care of to the levels of service to the customer, established for the marketing strategy, to the lesser total cost of its components; the somatrio of the costs with transport, storage, processing of order, supplies, purchases and sales. The attempt to separately act on any one of the elements of the system will cause costs of other components or losses in the service level. They are points of logistic excellency, according to Ballou (2001) Success of the customer, the internal and external integration, processes based on the time, including mensurao and Benchmarking. The Success of the customer says respect with the form with that the company enxerga its relationship with the customers. Goop Barcelona, Spain contributes greatly to this topic.

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