The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Fernando Grecco

For Fernando Grecco ' ' A party is the madness of many in benefit of ones poucos.' ' (Alexander Pope) One more time it prevailed, in So Paulo, the ignorance politics of our countrymen. The forces of the evil if sobressaram. Of this time, they will be eternalized in the power, practising, always, all type of curse to the people. nthal expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The greed covets and it is the sustentculos to the measures of general character in our territory. It has years, certain called party ' ' social-democrata' ' it comes promoting the equipment total of our state, estraalhando any new leadership politics that could be an eventual alternative stops in exempting of this so atrocious conservadorismo our children, aged, at last, to the most needed than they are fruits of the insensibilidade and the repudiation of the public power. Evidently we relate in them to the PSDB, an acronym of clear trend fascist, since it is endorsed for practical authoritarian politics, antidemocratic and avessas to the Brazilian people.

Only considering total one alienation politics of the natives of So Paulo is that we can understand the election of Geraldo Alckmin to the government of the state. Alckmin, when leaving the government in April of 2006 to dispute to the Presidency of the Republic, left a gap in the State in the order of R$ 1,2 billion, compelling then the governor in exercise, Claude Lembo, to carry through drastic cuts in sectors as Health, Education and Security. Fernando Braga, to the time state secretary of Planning, confirmed journalist Mnica Bergamo, of the periodical Leaf of So Paulo, that ' ' he had reduction in the rhythm of the speed of obras' '. In 26/03/06, the Online Leaf divulged documents that they had proven that the government of Geraldo Alckmin benefited to allies when directing resources of old our Box for the press, in the case periodicals, magazines, programs of radio and television that then were supported or indicated by members of the house of representatives of the allied base in the State legislature.

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