The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Carabobo Venezuelan

When trouble knocks at the door is found to have stayed friends since then to analyze this reality will find different positions, opponents and those identified with the current government, each giving their opinions according to their perception, however, economic indicators are more objective and they support the reality with the experience that the current scenario presents. Professor Paez Chichi Area Faces Graduate, University of Carabobo, a former official of PDVSA, states that the economic structure in Venezuela, reveals a country where nearly 60% of GDP, directly or indirectly related to oil, where public sector contributes 30% of GDP and where 94% of exports of this country belong to this product.

Is the teacher: we are a country parasite into work. Yes, apart from Marxist simplification that the value is produced only by work, we consider that the creation of value involving the scientific, technological and organizational, we import giving little in return, the difference is even greater when a Venezuelan formed in the country thanks to the income received from abroad, stay abroad, contributing to the development of another country that saves your training, or when Venezuelan scientists do, thanks to the facilities which they enjoy as a scientific contribution to other countries benefit more than ours, or when a businessman who has accumulated money in the country, sent out, it might be from an international standpoint, dispassionate and objective, as a small compensation for this ongoing asymmetry in the exchange. It’s hard, but essential to recognize this truth.

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