The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

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And do not try to be ‘jack of all trades’ and make resource and about, and about this and about the third or tenth. Remember the original – one, two themes. A striking example of such Multitasking can find errors on my home page. The justification can only be that it is in the first place – home page (a little of everything), and secondly – this is my home page, and a third – this is actually my The first site. And the traffic on it is for some specific reasons, which will be discussed later …

Well, to make the site – a big deal. But we must still do it wisely, that he ‘liked’ the search engines! Here again important theme of the site. Selecting topics, you are defining a list of search queries that your website is expected to be. Write down the column itself in these words and phrases as you currently see them. About a dozen … Find the key phrases can be relevant to the services of search engines: Yandex and Rambler. Now firmly remember – selected word must appear in the text of your site, ie it must be relevant in relation to him.

So maybe now you’ll have to walk a bit and optimize the site, slightly change the expressions, phrases, etc. Be sure to put these key phrases in headings (tags H1 to H3), as well as highlight the tag strong. Not overdo it, but do best, so a couple of fatty expressions on each page featured, according to the text seen as key expression, but the readability of the page that does not suffer.

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