The Texas Business Group

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Zanartus High Committee

By Rafael Vallve, journalist according to documentation provided by the conserved real roots of Casablanca, the REALTOR Benanto acquired in September 2004 in El Quisco, 42.2 acres of land in the sector of Pinomar, better known as Altos de Zanartu, in the sum of 83 million pesos. Benanto, in turn, sold 6, 4 hectares to three groups of neighbors by a housing in the whopping sum of UF 46.535,-(nearly one billion pesos), i.e. at 152 million pesos per hectare, being that the real estate each acquired them in two million pesos. There are many points which must be clarified in this Bureau, according to Raquel Salinas Bascur, spokeswoman for the citizen participation Commission, agency that is investigating the case. Here should clarify the participation of Serviu in fact, since we believe that here was not delivered to homeless families all information to which they were entitled.

Is either lent them the best possible service, and was not properly evaluated the terrain or its location. Salinas also believes that we must clarify the participation and collaboration that took the municipality, and for whom, and why, decided to surrender all the demand for social housing to Benanto. Public servants have an obligation to ensure that the public interest precedence over private interest, and here it is clear that it is not ensured by them (the settlers). The muniipio has a moral and legal responsibility. Serviu versus Mayor Carrasco the Serviu owns two acres of land in El Quisco, in the sector of Tralcamahuida, where ma 15 years ago built a population of social housing that bears the name of the same sector. The field has a value of UF 17.058,-, far below that acquired in Zanartus High Committee for housing. However, Raquel Salinas cannot find the explanation of why the houses in Tralcamahuida, were not built when the area is urbanised and has excellent location.

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