The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Varied Accommodation Options

In Mendoza, the rural tourism offers endless possibilities to enjoy. The Cuyo province has managed to subdue the desert and become an important center of agricultural and livestock activity. The pride of this feat is reflected in the hospitality with which beautiful and well-kept farms and stays in the area receive their visitors. In Mendoza, the tourist can choose to stay directly in a stay and so immerse yourself fully into the daily routines of rural life. The majority of these rustic establishments have an infrastructure of accommodation of high level, which allows you to combine pleasure the comforts of the modern life with the simple and sober charm of life in the field. The mix between ancient and modern is a constant in the Mendoza tourist stays: almost all have been refurbished to offer greater comfort to its guests, but always without resigning the personality and charm of its plants and original decoration. Activities that can be carried out in a room are numerous and attractive.

One of the more interesting it is, without doubts, the possibility of participating in tasks and tasks in the field, as harvest collection or the care of animals. Vintage is the main dish of this type of activities, but not only vines are cultivated in Mendoza, and plantations of cereals, with its colorful appeal, are good proof of this. Typical farm animals breeding is compounded of the beautiful Criollo horses, noble and loyal breed whose beauty can be admired in the paddocks of the Mendoza stays. For lovers of good food, not missing roasts with leather, the chivito to embers and, of course, good wines. If we add to this splendid breakfasts of field, snacks accompanied by homemade sweets and snacks featuring the most delicious artisan salami, we can be sure that nobody will go be unsatisfied-or with hunger-a Mendoza stay. Those who do not wish to spend your entire stay in a rural accommodation and prefer more urban comfort of a hotel in Mendoza capital, may opt to a full day to picnic excursion include walks in sulky, walks and excellent typical meals in a framework of towering snow-capped peaks and crystalline streams, as only Mendoza can offer.

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