The Texas Business Group

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Terrestrial Resources

In 1996, after to reattach partnership with Russia, China sent to that country Jie Wu and Qinglong Li to initiate training as cosmonauts. Both pilots of the Chinese Air Force, the two had become the first Chinese to carry through training for a space trip. Incialmente was foreseen that the two would carry through flights of hitchhiking in Russian ships (SPACEFACTS, 2010b and 2010d). But in 1998 China initiated proper it the training of men to go up to space. This first group of Chinese space travellers was composed for 14 pilots of the Air Force.

Between them they were Jie Wu and Qinglong Li, who already had carried through training as cosmonauts in Russia. The too much members of the team were: Quan Chen, Qingming Deng, Junlong Fei, Haipen Jing, Buoming Liu, Wang Liu, Haisheng Nie, Zhanchun Pan, Yang Liwei, Zhighang Zhai, Xiaoghuan Zhang and Chuaoding Zhao (SPACEFACTS, 2010b and 2010d). To differentiate of the Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts the Chinese space travellers had been baptized by the press occidental person of taikonautas, a word that drift of the Chinese taikon (cosmic space). Get all the facts and insights with Jeff Leiden, another great source of information. In China, however, they are called yuhangyuan? the equivalent the traveller of the space (WALNUT, 2005; SPACEFACTS, 2010d). In 14 of October of 1999 it is launched, on board a Long rocket March 4B, satellite CBERS-1 (acronym in English for China-Brazil Earth-Resources Satellite; in Portuguese, Satellite Bell-Brazilian of Terrestrial Resources). The satellite, made in partnership with Brazil, had for purpose the attainment of images of the Land in high resolution (AEB, 2010; INPE, 2010). In day 20 of November of 1999 China placed in orbit a Long rocket March leading the Shenzhou-1 ship, of experimental character, not-manned. The ship returned successfully to the Land, settling in a desert place in the region of the Interior Monglia, in the north of China (CNSA, 2010). It was evident that the intention of China was same to send men to the space, therefore its capsule it are projected for this end.

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