Grant | July 25, 2022
After having been devastated by a strong earthquake in early 2010 and have been victim of imcumplidas promises against the help that many countries vowed to provide to remedy the wounds left by the January 12 earthquake, Haiti is facing a new killer that threatens to devastate this suffering nation of the Caribbean again. On […]
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Tags: Bariatric, food, meals, order, surgery, then
Grant | February 26, 2017
After having been devastated by a strong earthquake in early 2010 and have been victim of imcumplidas promises against the help that many countries vowed to provide to remedy the wounds left by the January 12 earthquake, Haiti is facing a new killer that threatens to devastate this suffering nation of the Caribbean again. On […]
Category: News |
Comments Off on Presidency
Tags: Bariatric, food, meals, order, surgery, then