The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Ventilation: Make A Home Comfortable

| May 21, 2024

Nowadays, every literate person can not provide a comfortable reality without quite a few years ago, the revolutionary, but inherent mechanisms. By the way, without heating or cooling systems. It is said that only develop a method for changing characteristics of the environment and should be called the discovery of human civilization. Get all the […]

Diesel Power Equipment

| May 15, 2024

As of today have become increasingly popular diesel power. Particularly often such purchases do people living in remote villages. Such plants are used as back-up, the main or emergency sources of electricity. They are used in low power for energy production, camps, facilities of communication. Also, they can not do without power for mining trucks, […]

Fixed Assets

| June 30, 2021

According to the magazine 'Fixed Assets' 9 / 2002 'The secret of longevity: the withdrawal of the heavy lifting and transport equipment' by O. Zharkov gear oils often forget about this potential opportunity to save funds and reduce machine downtime, as the right choice of transmission oil. In today's transmissions increase the rate of transmission […]

The Demand of Fish

| December 16, 2018

High-efficiency filters are installed directly into the equipment, thus avoiding their damage from outside. Variety of colors allows you to pick up an aquarium, as appropriate style for each individual store. The price range for live fish is broad enough – from 95 rub. for carp up to 450 rubles. for sturgeon. Carp and crayfish […]

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