The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Digital Calendar

| April 11, 2024

It is already less so that Christmas arrives and surely much people are nervous because they do not know what is what they can give. In these cases always I like to recommend that most important it is not the price of the gift but the originality of the same.To give something original is not […]

Life Universal

| February 15, 2013

By the fact that many people see death as the end of life on Earth, there are spiritual dead muchos and also in the more beyond, many, MUChiSIMAS souls dead spiritually. The spiritually dead souls are those that still people, just they have occupied of God, of Christ, and above all of the commandments of […]


| August 2, 2012

The truth is that the businesses by Internet, are still in diapers and its potential of growth is extraordinarily great. The Internet has given to beginning to a new global economy, where the borders disappear, you you can sell its products and services to everybody from a company of 50 meters square and to generate […]

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