The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Professional Education

Of this form, so that if it takes care of to the expectation of a change of this scene, it is visualized real necessity of knowledge on management of the country property. This knowledge can and must be conquered through the education of the pupil, then the son of the agricultural producer. Ahead of this, they are had as study object, the pupils of the Campus Hinterland of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Rio Grande Do Sul, which is situated in the District of Engineer Englert Luiz, city of Hinterland, the 25 kilometers of Passo Fundo, region North of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul and integrates the Federal Net of Professional Education, Cientfica and Tecnolgica.A reality that if it lives deeply sends this researcher to believe that the administration is vital for any business, over all for the country property. Of this form, it was perceived necessity to evaluate the importance of the knowledge of the content of the administration in the professional formation, in the case the study object the course technician in farming, in the vision of the pupils, more specifically of the pupils of the third year of the course. For in such a way the research it initiates searching information how much: ) Characterization of the profile of the pupil of the related course; b) Pretensions of the pupils how much to its professional future; c) The importance of the administration in the professional life and the country property, the vision of the pupils; The research was constituted of secondary data through bibliographical research related the importance of the administration. At as a moment it was collected given primary through the analysis of the summary of the contents programmarians of the course technician in farming, and still the application of a questionnaire to the formandos pupils of the related course.

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