The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


So that the concept was understood and for consequence it capsized a reality, us we had that to extend the focus. Until that moment total we were come back toward the car head of the structure, that is, for the Production. We need, definitively, to understand that in a competitive market, where the profit edges are each time lesser, an efficient management in the processes of entrance and exit can mean the sustentation of the car head. What I want to say with this it is that we need in them to become specialists in everything, also in the attendance of our suppliers. Nor that for this either necessary investir.& rdquo; It commented that a series of measures enters, had had that to reorganize the expedition and to remodel the palletizado shipment form for 100%. It cited that it very has still to be fact, but that already they were harvesting resulted. As example, it pointed that before extending the focus the collection of 01 volume in the fracionado modality lasted 8 seconds on average, what according to it is inside of the average of market for this type of product. Today this time is in 3 seconds.

That is, the possibilities of productivity of supplier considerably had been extended. It continued: & ldquo; In parallel, we launch the BID* with the intention of fidelizar squares. With this we concentrate the definitive shipment to one and controlled number of suppliers, alavancando its operations as well as contributing for the otimizao of its veculos.& rdquo; Each time was more clearly the reasons that had taken the Manager of the Transporter to weave positive commentaries how much to the position partner of its Customer. But which would be the practical result of this change of concept for the Structure of the Contractor? Perceiving my anxiety it concluded: & ldquo; As he said, it is a way of double hand, that is, everything what he goes, return! We are transparent to our supplier the necessity of the exchange, the counterpart. The return that competes in them is the differentiated tables of freight, supported not only for the put into motion amount, but mainly for the effectiveness of the operation. We are speaking of an average economy of 36% in the cost of the freight in comparison what we practised previously. I cannot leave to comment that our parameter is not only this, a time that we search references in the market to evaluate our performance. Which, the example of our suppliers, goes very well.

For speaking in this, recently a company specialized in Systems of Management looked in to offer them a program for Management of Freight that, amongst other things, guarantee to reduce the expenditures with freights drastically. After some simulations the reports had pointed that it did not have edge for reduo.& rdquo; The objective to share such experience if must to the fact of that many organizations insist on the importance to register the learning and the experience for future reference. However, in the reality, many reports are safe, filed and never really read.

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