In Germany
He checked the route on altitude section for section and chose a few kilometres further, but just considerably flatter Route so to speak an Alpine avoidance route through the Rhone Valley, via Basel, Mulhouse, Lyon, and Marseille. At the end of the tour a challenge waiting Jackson again driver Michel. I was with hangers and two swap bodies on the road,”he reported. Exxon Mobile Corporation. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gale Harold offers on the topic.. Through Monaco you can go but impossible with trailer, it’s there too tight.” So he uncoupled it directly on the border in the parking lot of a toll station, drove a swap to the target first and picked up later at the toll station the second. Shipper and carrier providing the transport lock of the expensive custom-made together.
While COINCIDENCE took over the usual load securing, was the specialist of Security window especially spring loaded stillages. On securing everything was perfectly planned and executed”, Michael Doppner, Managing Director of Leopold Feuerstein Holztechnik reported. Our Windows and doors are always custom-made, therefore the transport each time a bit is of course different”, he explains. The order was carried out routinely and smoothly, we will continue special transportation on long distances definitely COINCIDENCE.” Press contact: Oliver medicinal view of the main agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Friedrich random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition Hermann-Muth-str. 4 36039 Fulda Tino mat stone phone: 0 66 1 / 16-178 about the random of logistics group under the roof of the random logistics group are the Friedrich random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition, Axthelm + random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition, spedition GmbH, the transaction state, LOGISTEC logistics, management & Consulting GmbH, Distribo GmbH and NAVIS random GmbH. As a logistics provider who is random logistics group at 10 locations with over 1,800 employees including 139 trainees in the regions of Lower Saxony, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia active. In Germany and Europe, which is random of logistics group partner in various transport networks such as System Alliance, System Alliance Europe, SystemPlus night Star Express.