The Texas Business Group

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Historical Spain

Buenos Aires, October 2009 In my thirteen years as a teacher of Spanish foreign language teacher, I have noticed that students tend to doubt that, in principle, estimate immeasurable. His contact with different people and material did not appear to clear them. "In Argentina we speak Castilian?," Spanish is spoken in Spain?, Is the Castilian and Spanish are different? "Asked a little bewildered. At times like these, every teacher feels a little empathy for the lack of knowledge, not only them but all speaking to dive without the proper tools in the scaffolding of ideas and words that form the substance of expression. Then, one would like to have the Eden model of language and speech in order to show its origin and transmutations of clear and convincing manner, as could be done with computer languages. Just a few seconds later, they leave those lubrication to continue talking.

More than one appointment for that someone special, born and living in Buenos Aires, reason your stay in this city and its efforts to learn Spanish. Add to your understanding with visit website. "My girlfriend told me that here (here) speaks Castilian, which is the same as the Spanish of Spain, but at the same time it is different," students often express different, so unique. Trying to mimic the computer languages and its accuracy, the Spanish teacher usually reply, "These are different names. The Spanish language is one. In fact, all hispanoparlantes speak the same language and can communicate very well. It was agreed that the official name of the language is "Spanish", although in some regions of Spain and several Latin American countries used the name "Castilian.". " In this way, many are satisfied. However, there are cases where doubts persist. In an article to be published in this website, propose other reflections on the use of the word "Castilian" in Latin America to name the language inherited from Spain. Visit the website of the author:

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