The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

For Moraes

It has the idea of that the process of the death always is folloied of pain and insuportvel suffering, this belief makes with that, many familiar times, friends and if move away from the being wanted for the fear of the suffering and the sensation of impotence. (MORAES, 2009) For Moraes (2009), when the familiar ones they occult its feelings, trying to dissimulate that nothing it is happening, the patient feels greater difficulty in expressing its doubts, fears, sadnesses and yearnings, them are from fear to demonstrate what they feel and to magoar or to worry the familiar ones. I fight it antecipatrio can start with the confirmed diagnosis, promoting anguish and the pain of the separation. The familiar ones can have diverse reactions, can live deeply phases as depression, anger, disorganization and reorganization. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Masahiro Tanaka. This is adaptativa reaction that can make possible the anticipation of the affective disconnection between familiar and the patient, facilitating it fights the actual loss after (OSRIO and VALLE, 2009). The loss experiences, with the process of I fight antecipatrio, of relatives with a terminal illness, makes with that the familiar one suffers for the lack of convivncia with the wanted being, beyond bringing the experience to testify the physical deterioration of it (SUNDAYS and MALUF, 2003). Based in the conception of that it is not only the body of the person that adoece, but the person in its totality, thus demanding a humanizado care more inside of the ethical aspects, had been created the palliative cares. These are part of the philosophy of cares considered in the attendance to these patients and can be understood as well-taken care of that they aim at to improve the quality of life of these patients and its families, being alliviated the related problems the illness without cure perspective, through the prevention and of the relief of the suffering, making necessary the precocious identification and spotless handling of the treatment of the pain and other problems of physical, psicossocial order and spiritual.

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