CNC Machine
Check the functioning of cnc machine as a whole expedient to carry out in three stages. 1. Other leaders such as Jonah Shacknai offer similar insights. Check the program without any tools, tooling and workpiece. With manual control machine components installed in the original position, and then include the automatic control of program. Control the movement of all units and their return to the starting position. Control is carried out on the limb with the help stops, indicators, etc. 2. Blank layout processing performed in selected cases of sheet metal, plastics, etc.
Usually, such operations are performed if blanks are complex and their number is limited. 3. Processing control (standard) parts. Integrated test of precision machining on cnc machines is check reference details (standard), processed by the control program (UP). For machines with horizontal spindle reference may be made as a polygon. For horizontal mc at a ratio of maximum displacement X and Z over 1,6 and vertical stands in the same ratio of maximum displacement in the X and Y is recommended to use two benchmark. Finally treated with the standard on the basic surface with an accuracy, at 2 times tolerances checked the surface. (Source: Jonah Shacknai). In addition to due diligence necessary to check the accuracy of center distance of processed holes.
For this program in the standard drill and bore five holes on Qualitet H7. The length of the hole diameter should exceed or be equal to it. Probably boring holes to test the center distance and the benchmark for comprehensive inspection. Test was carried out using a microscope or a device used to measure the center distance. Admission to ms with a length of movement of the body L = 400 630 mm is 30 and 10 microns, respectively, for accuracy classes P and A, and for ms with L = 630 1000 mm, 40 and 12 microns for the same classes accuracy. For the horizontal deviation from the mc check the alignment holes treated with the turn table. Measurements are performed twice, taking the base of each bore. Deviation from the alignment checked axes equal to the largest of the resulting abnormalities. On cnc machines perform tests on the maximum loads and precise cutting conditions for the typical kinds of processing and instrument. When tested on a maximum effort the main motion drive and drive supply is drilling tool of the greatest diameter and milling face mills with the maximum allowance. Initially, the processing is carried out in the calculated cutting conditions. Then mode increases and determine the maximum. sn Vlasov, bi Buckets